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Niece (/ni:s/) is a term used to describe the daughter of a person's sibling. The term is derived from the Old French 'nece', which itself is derived from the Latin 'neptia', meaning granddaughter.


The term 'niece' is derived from the Old French 'nece', which was used to describe a female relative. This term was derived from the Latin 'neptia', which means granddaughter. The term has been in use in English since the 14th century.

Related Terms

  • Sibling: A person's brother or sister.
  • Nephew: The son of a person's sibling.
  • Aunt: The sister of a person's parent or the wife of a person's uncle.
  • Uncle: The brother of a person's parent or the husband of a person's aunt.
  • Cousin: The child of a person's aunt or uncle.


The term 'niece' is pronounced as /ni:s/ in English.


The term 'niece' is used to describe the daughter of a person's sibling. It can also be used to describe the daughter of a person's spouse's sibling. The term is used in many cultures and societies around the world to describe familial relationships.

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