Nandrolone cyclohexanecarboxylate

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Nandrolone cyclohexanecarboxylate (pronunciation: nan-DROH-lone CY-kloh-HEX-an-eh-car-BOX-ih-late) is a synthetic, injectable anabolic steroid that is used in the treatment of various medical conditions. It is a derivative of testosterone, the primary male sex hormone.


The term "Nandrolone" is derived from the words "nandrol" (a trade name for the anabolic steroid nortestosterone) and "one" (indicating that it is a derivative of testosterone). The term "cyclohexanecarboxylate" refers to the cyclohexane carboxylic acid ester that is attached to the nandrolone molecule, which allows it to be slowly released into the body after injection.

Medical Uses

Nandrolone cyclohexanecarboxylate is used in the treatment of anemia, osteoporosis, and cachexia. It is also used to improve physical performance and body composition in individuals with muscle wasting conditions.


Nandrolone cyclohexanecarboxylate works by increasing the amount of protein that the body can synthesize, which leads to increased muscle mass and strength. It also has a positive effect on bone mineral density and can stimulate the production of red blood cells.

Side Effects

Potential side effects of nandrolone cyclohexanecarboxylate include acne, hair loss, gynecomastia, and changes in mood or behavior. Long-term use can lead to serious health problems such as liver damage, heart disease, and infertility.

See Also

External links


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