Milia en plaque

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Milia en plaque

Milia en plaque (pronunciation: /ˈmɪliə ɛn ˈplæk/) is a rare dermatological condition characterized by the presence of multiple milia on an inflamed, erythematous base.


The term 'milia en plaque' is derived from the Latin word 'milia', meaning 'millet seeds', and the French term 'en plaque', which translates to 'in a patch'. This is in reference to the appearance of the condition, which resembles a patch of millet seeds on the skin.


Milia en plaque is a subtype of primary milia that typically presents as numerous tiny, white, dome-shaped papules on an erythematous base. These papules are usually 1-2 mm in diameter and are often found in clusters or plaques. The condition is most commonly found on the ears, eyelids, cheeks, or jaw area, but can occur anywhere on the body.


The primary symptom of milia en plaque is the appearance of multiple small, white, dome-shaped bumps on the skin. These bumps are typically painless, but may cause discomfort or itching in some cases. Other symptoms may include redness, inflammation, and a rough texture to the skin in the affected area.


The exact cause of milia en plaque is unknown. However, it is believed to be associated with damage to the sweat glands, which can occur due to skin conditions such as dermatitis, rosacea, or blistering skin diseases, or as a result of skin trauma or burns.


Treatment for milia en plaque typically involves the use of topical retinoids, which can help to reduce the size and number of milia. In some cases, physical removal of the milia may be necessary. This can be done through methods such as dermabrasion, laser therapy, or cryotherapy.

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