Megavitamin therapy

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Megavitamin Therapy

Megavitamin therapy (pronounced: meh-guh-vi-tuh-min ther-uh-pee) is a type of alternative medicine that involves the use of large doses of vitamins, often many times greater than the recommended dietary allowance (RDA), to prevent and treat a variety of diseases.


The term "megavitamin" is derived from the Greek word "mega", meaning "great", and the Latin word "vita", meaning "life". The term "therapy" comes from the Greek word "therapeia", meaning "healing". Thus, "megavitamin therapy" can be interpreted as "healing through great life", referring to the use of large doses of vitamins to promote health and well-being.


Megavitamin therapy was popularized in the 1950s by two-time Nobel laureate Linus Pauling, who coined the term "orthomolecular" to describe the practice of varying the concentration of substances normally present in the body to prevent and treat disease. Pauling's advocacy of megavitamin therapy, particularly with vitamin C, sparked controversy in the medical community and continues to be a topic of debate today.


Megavitamin therapy is used in the treatment of a wide range of conditions, including cancer, heart disease, schizophrenia, and common cold. It is also used to enhance general health and well-being. However, the effectiveness of megavitamin therapy for these uses is not universally accepted, and its use can lead to potential health risks, such as vitamin toxicity.

Related Terms

  • Orthomolecular medicine: A form of alternative medicine that seeks to maintain human health through nutritional supplementation.
  • Vitamin toxicity: A condition that occurs when a person ingests too much of a certain vitamin, leading to adverse health effects.
  • Dietary supplement: A product intended to supplement the diet and provide nutrients, such as vitamins, that may not be consumed in sufficient quantities in a person's diet.

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