Medicare (Australia)

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Medicare (Australia)

Medicare is the publicly funded healthcare system in Australia, operated by the Department of Human Services. It was introduced in 1984 to provide free or low-cost medical and hospital care to all Australian citizens and most permanent residents.


Medicare is pronounced as /ˈmɛdɪkɛər/.


The term "Medicare" is a combination of "medical" and "care". The term was first used in Australia in 1984 when the Hawke Government introduced the system to replace the previous Medibank system.

Related Terms

  • Bulk billing: A payment option under Medicare where the doctor bills Medicare directly and accepts the Medicare benefit as full payment for their service.
  • Medicare card: A card issued to Australian residents which proves their eligibility for Medicare.
  • Medicare Levy: A tax Australian residents pay to help fund Medicare.
  • Medicare Benefits Schedule: A list of the medical services for which the Australian government will provide a Medicare rebate.
  • Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme: A program of the Australian government that provides subsidized prescription drugs to residents of Australia.

See Also


External links


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