Medically necessary

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Medically Necessary

Medically Necessary (meh-dih-klee neh-seh-suh-ree) is a term used in the healthcare industry to describe services or supplies that are needed to diagnose or treat a medical condition.


The term "Medically Necessary" is derived from the English words "medical", meaning related to the science of medicine, and "necessary", meaning required or essential.


In the context of healthcare, "Medically Necessary" refers to services, procedures, or supplies that are required to prevent, diagnose, or treat an illness, injury, condition, disease, or its symptoms. These services or supplies must meet accepted standards of medicine.


The term is often used in the context of health insurance policies to determine whether a particular service or supply will be covered. If a service or supply is deemed not medically necessary, it may not be covered by insurance.

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