Medical University Pleven

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Medical University Pleven

Medical University Pleven (pronunciation: /ˈplɛvən/; etymology: derived from the name of the city Pleven in Bulgaria where the university is located) is one of the five medical universities in Bulgaria. It was established in 1974, expanding the horizons, size and reputation of the city hospital established in 1865.


The history of Medical University Pleven dates back to the establishment of the city hospital in 1865. The hospital was transformed into a medical institute in 1974, and later into a medical university. The university has been a significant center for medical education and research in Bulgaria.


The university offers a variety of courses in the field of medicine, including Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing, Healthcare Management and Public Health. The courses are offered in both Bulgarian and English languages.


Medical University Pleven has a number of facilities for its students, including a modern library, a sports center, and a student hostel. The university also has a number of research centers and laboratories.


The university is affiliated with a number of international organizations and universities. It is a member of the Association of Medical Schools in Europe and the World Health Organization.

Notable Alumni

Many notable medical professionals have graduated from Medical University Pleven. These include renowned doctors, researchers, and healthcare professionals who have made significant contributions to the field of medicine.

See Also

External links


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