Medical procedure

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Medical procedure

A medical procedure (pronunciation: /ˈmɛdɪkəl/ /prəˈsiːdʒər/) is a course of action intended to achieve a result in the delivery of healthcare. A medical procedure with the intention of determining, measuring, or diagnosing a patient condition or parameter is also called a medical test. Other common kinds of procedures are therapeutic (i.e., with the intention of treating, curing, or restoring function or structure), surgical and psychiatric procedures.


The term "medical procedure" is derived from the Latin procedere, meaning 'to go forward' and the Greek medikos, meaning 'pertaining to healing'.

Related Terms

  • Medical test: A kind of medical procedure for the purpose of detecting, diagnosing, or monitoring diseases, disease processes, susceptibility, or to determine a course of treatment.
  • Therapeutic procedure: A type of medical procedure performed with the aim of treating diseases and disorders.
  • Surgical procedure: A medical procedure that involves the cutting of a patient's tissues for the purpose of repairing damage or facilitating healing.
  • Psychiatric procedure: A medical procedure that involves the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders.

Types of Medical Procedures

Medical procedures can be classified into two main types: invasive and non-invasive.

  • Invasive procedure: An invasive procedure is a medical procedure that invades (enters) the body, usually by cutting or puncturing the skin or by inserting instruments into the body.
  • Non-invasive procedure: A non-invasive procedure is a medical procedure that does not involve entry into the body or the disruption of body tissues.

See Also

External links


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