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Ideal (eye-dee-uhl)

Ideal is a term used in various fields of study, including philosophy, psychology, and medicine. It refers to a standard or principle that is considered perfect or desirable, and is often used as a benchmark for comparison or aspiration.


The term is pronounced as /aɪˈdiːəl/.


The term 'Ideal' originates from the late Middle English word 'idele' which means 'existing in idea'. It was borrowed from the Latin word 'idealismus' and the Greek word 'idein', which means 'to see'.

In Medicine

In the field of medicine, the term 'Ideal' is often used to describe a state of health or physical condition that is considered optimal or perfect. For example, an 'Ideal' body weight refers to the weight that is considered most healthy for a person based on their height, age, gender, and body composition. Similarly, 'Ideal' blood pressure refers to a blood pressure reading that is considered optimal for maintaining good health.

Related Terms

  • Ideal Body Weight: This is a weight that is considered most healthy for a person based on their height, age, gender, and body composition.
  • Ideal Blood Pressure: This refers to a blood pressure reading that is considered optimal for maintaining good health.
  • Ideal Health: This is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

See Also

External links


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