Hyperbaric treatment schedules

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Hyperbaric Treatment Schedules

Hyperbaric treatment schedules (pronunciation: hi-per-bair-ik treat-ment sked-yools) are a series of planned sessions in a Hyperbaric Chamber designed to administer Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) to patients.


The term 'Hyperbaric' originates from the Greek words 'hyper' meaning 'over' or 'excessive', and 'baros' meaning 'weight'. 'Treatment schedules' is a common medical term referring to the planned timing and frequency of medical treatments.


Hyperbaric treatment schedules are the specific plans for the administration of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. These schedules are designed based on the patient's condition, the severity of the symptoms, and the desired therapeutic outcome. The treatment involves the patient breathing in 100% oxygen in a pressurized chamber, which increases the amount of oxygen in the blood.

Types of Hyperbaric Treatment Schedules

There are several types of hyperbaric treatment schedules, including:

  • Monoplace Hyperbaric Treatment Schedules: This involves a single patient in the chamber, typically for 60-90 minutes per session.
  • Multiplace Hyperbaric Treatment Schedules: This involves multiple patients in the chamber, with sessions typically lasting 90-120 minutes.
  • Home Hyperbaric Treatment Schedules: This involves the use of a portable hyperbaric chamber at home, with the duration and frequency of sessions varying based on the patient's condition and the doctor's recommendations.

Related Terms

See Also

External links


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