Humanitarian aid

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Humanitarian Aid

Humanitarian Aid (pronunciation: /ˌhjuːməˈnɪtɛəriən eɪd/) is a field of study and practice that focuses on providing assistance to individuals and communities in distress due to natural disasters, conflict, or other crises.


The term "humanitarian" comes from the Latin word "humanitas," meaning human nature, kindness. "Aid" is derived from the Old English "ād," which means help, assistance. Together, the term "humanitarian aid" signifies help or assistance provided out of kindness towards humans in need.


Humanitarian Aid is the material or logistical assistance provided for humanitarian purposes, typically in response to humanitarian crises including natural disasters and man-made disaster. The primary purpose of humanitarian aid is to save lives, alleviate suffering, and maintain human dignity.

Related Terms

  • Disaster Relief: This is immediate assistance provided in the aftermath of a natural or man-made disaster. It includes the provision of food, water, shelter, medical care, and other essential needs.
  • Emergency Response: This refers to the actions taken in response to an emergency situation to prevent further harm and aid in recovery.
  • Development Aid: This is long-term aid provided to promote economic, social, and political development in developing countries.
  • Non-Governmental Organization (NGO): These are non-profit, voluntary citizens' groups that are organized on a local, national, or international level to provide humanitarian aid.
  • United Nations (UN): An international organization that coordinates international cooperation in various fields, including humanitarian aid.

See Also


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