Hippocratic facies

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Hippocratic facies

Hippocratic facies (pronunciation: hi-po-KRAT-ik FAY-sheez) is a term used in medicine to describe the facial expression of a critically ill patient, typically one who is nearing the end of life. The term is derived from the name of the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, who is often referred to as the "father of medicine".


The term "Hippocratic facies" is derived from the name of the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates. The word "facies" is Latin for "face" and is used in medicine to describe a specific facial expression associated with a particular medical condition.


Hippocratic facies is characterized by a sharp nose, sunken eyes, and hollow cheeks, giving the face a cadaverous appearance. The skin may be pale or have a yellowish hue, and the patient may appear to be in a state of extreme exhaustion. This facial expression is often seen in patients who are in the advanced stages of a serious illness, such as cancer or a severe infection.

Related Terms

  • Hippocrates: An ancient Greek physician, often referred to as the "father of medicine". He is associated with the Hippocratic Oath, a code of ethics for physicians that is still in use today.
  • Facies: A term used in medicine to describe a specific facial expression associated with a particular medical condition.
  • Palliative care: A type of care that focuses on providing relief from the symptoms and stress of a serious illness. The goal is to improve quality of life for both the patient and the family.
  • End of life care: Care that is given to patients who are in the final stages of an illness, with the goal of providing comfort and maintaining the highest possible quality of life.

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