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Funiculus (pronounced: fyoo-ni-kyuh-luhs) is a term used in various fields of medicine and biology. The term is derived from the Latin word "funiculus," meaning "small cord."


In anatomy, a funiculus is a bundle of one or more nerve fibers (or neurons) running in parallel. These bundles are components of nerves, white matter tracts in the brain and spinal cord, and in the umbilical cord, where it refers to the cord-like structure that connects a developing fetus to the placenta.


In botany, the funiculus refers to the stalk by which an ovule or seed is connected to the ovary wall. It can also refer to a bundle of conducting tissues (vascular tissues) in plants.


In mycology, the funiculus is a cord of hyphae that attaches a fungal spore to the parent body.

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