Forensic science

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Forensic Science

Forensic science (pronunciation: /fəˈrɛnsɪk ˈsaɪəns/) is the application of scientific knowledge and methodology to legal problems and criminal investigations.


The term "forensic" comes from the Latin word "forensis," meaning "of or before the forum." In ancient Rome, the forum was where lawmaking debates were held, but it also was where criminal cases were heard. So, the meaning of the word forensic relates to legal proceedings or formal debate or discussion.

Related Terms

  • Criminalistics: The scientific examination of physical evidence in the commission of crimes.
  • Criminology: The scientific study of crime as a social phenomenon, of criminals, and of penal treatment.
  • Ballistics: The science of mechanics that deals with the motion, behavior, and effects of projectiles, especially bullets, gravity bombs, rockets, or the like; the science or art of designing and accelerating projectiles so as to achieve a desired performance.
  • Toxicology: The study of the adverse effects of chemicals on living organisms.
  • Pathology: The science of the causes and effects of diseases, especially the branch of medicine that deals with the laboratory examination of samples of body tissue for diagnostic or forensic purposes.
  • DNA profiling: The process of determining an individual's DNA characteristics, which are as unique as fingerprints.

See Also


  • Saferstein, Richard. "Criminalistics: An Introduction to Forensic Science." 11th edition. Pearson, 2015.
  • James, Stuart H., Jon J. Nordby, and Suzanne Bell. "Forensic Science: An Introduction to Scientific and Investigative Techniques." 4th edition. CRC Press, 2014.

External links


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