Fibrocalculous pancreatopathy

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Fibrocalculous Pancreatopathy

Fibrocalculous Pancreatopathy (pronunciation: fi-bro-cal-cu-lous pan-crea-topa-thy) is a form of chronic pancreatitis that is characterized by the presence of calcification in the pancreas.


The term "Fibrocalculous Pancreatopathy" is derived from three words: "Fibro" which refers to fibrous tissue, "calculous" which refers to the presence of calcium deposits or stones, and "pancreatopathy" which refers to any disease of the pancreas.


Fibrocalculous Pancreatopathy is a type of chronic pancreatitis that is characterized by the formation of hard, fibrous tissue and calcified stones in the pancreas. This condition is often associated with malnutrition and is most commonly seen in developing countries.


The symptoms of Fibrocalculous Pancreatopathy can vary, but often include abdominal pain, diabetes mellitus, and steatorrhea (excessive fat in the feces).


The exact cause of Fibrocalculous Pancreatopathy is unknown, but it is often associated with malnutrition, particularly a diet high in cassava which contains a toxin called cyanide. Other potential causes include genetic factors and chronic alcohol use.


Diagnosis of Fibrocalculous Pancreatopathy is typically made through a combination of clinical symptoms, imaging studies such as CT scan or MRI, and laboratory tests.


Treatment for Fibrocalculous Pancreatopathy typically involves managing the symptoms and complications of the disease. This can include pain management, treatment for diabetes, and nutritional support. In some cases, surgery may be required to remove the calcified stones.

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