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Fabella (pronunciation: fa-bella) is a small sesamoid bone found in some mammals embedded in the tendon of the lateral head of the gastrocnemius muscle behind the lateral condyle of the femur. The term "fabella" is derived from the Latin word for "little bean".


The term "fabella" is derived from the Latin word "fabella", which means "little bean". This is due to the small, bean-like shape of the bone.


The fabella is a sesamoid bone, meaning it is a bone embedded within a tendon or a muscle. It is located in the tendon of the lateral head of the gastrocnemius muscle, behind the lateral condyle of the femur. The fabella is not present in all individuals and can vary in size and shape.

Clinical significance

The presence of a fabella can have clinical significance in orthopedic surgery and may be associated with certain conditions such as fabella syndrome, a rare cause of posterolateral knee pain.

Related terms

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