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Export (medical)

Export (pronounced eks-port) is a term used in the field of medicine to describe the process of transferring biological material, such as cells, tissues, or organs, from one body to another, or from one location to another within the same body.


The term 'export' originates from the Latin 'ex-' meaning 'out of' and 'portare' meaning 'to carry'. In a medical context, it refers to the act of carrying or moving something out of its original location.

Related Terms

  • Transplant: A procedure that involves the transfer of an organ or tissue from one individual to another, or from one location to another within the same individual.
  • Graft: A piece of living tissue that is transplanted surgically to replace damaged or missing tissue.
  • Donor: An individual or entity that provides biological material, such as blood, organs, or tissues, for transplantation.
  • Recipient: An individual or entity that receives biological material, such as blood, organs, or tissues, from a donor.
  • Biological Material: Any material, whether solid or fluid, that is derived from a living organism.

See Also

External links


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