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Exit (eks-it)

Exit (pronounced eks-it) is a term used in various fields of medicine to denote the act of leaving or the way out of a particular structure or system.


The term 'exit' is derived from the Latin word 'exitus', which means 'a going out' or 'departure'.

In Medicine

In the field of medicine, the term 'exit' is often used to refer to the point where something leaves the body. For example, in the respiratory system, the exit point for air is the nose or mouth. In the digestive system, the exit point for waste is the anus.

In surgery, the term 'exit wound' is used to describe the point where a foreign object (such as a bullet) leaves the body.

In anatomy, the term 'exit foramen' is used to describe the opening in a bone through which nerves or blood vessels leave.

Related Terms

  • Entry: The point where something enters a system or structure.
  • Pathway: The route taken by something as it moves through a system or structure.
  • Portal: A term used in medicine to refer to an entrance or exit point, particularly in relation to blood vessels and nerves.

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