Essential hypertension

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Essential Hypertension

Essential hypertension (pronunciation: eh-SEN-shul hye-per-TEN-shun), also known as primary hypertension, is a condition characterized by high blood pressure with no identifiable cause.


The term "essential" in essential hypertension is derived from the Latin word "essentia" meaning "being" or "essence", and "hypertension" is derived from the Greek words "hyper" meaning "above" and "tension" meaning "pressure". The term essentially refers to a high blood pressure condition that is of its own being or essence, i.e., it exists without any identifiable cause.


Essential hypertension is a type of hypertension that does not have a known secondary cause. It is the most common type of hypertension, affecting about 95% of hypertensive patients. It is often discovered during routine medical examinations with no associated symptoms.


While essential hypertension often presents with no symptoms, some individuals may experience headache, dizziness, or blurred vision. However, these symptoms are not specific to essential hypertension and may be caused by other conditions.


The exact cause of essential hypertension is unknown. However, several factors are believed to contribute to its development, including genetics, age, diet, and lifestyle.


Treatment for essential hypertension typically involves lifestyle modifications and medications. Lifestyle changes may include dietary modifications, regular exercise, and stress management. Medications used to treat essential hypertension include diuretics, beta blockers, and ACE inhibitors.

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