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Emasculation (pronounced: /iːmæskjʊˈleɪʃən/) is a medical term that refers to the removal of the male genitalia, specifically the testes. The term is derived from the Latin emasculare, which means "to castrate".


The term "emasculation" comes from the Latin emasculare, which is a combination of ex (out of or from) and masculus (male). This term was used in ancient Rome to refer to the act of castrating a male animal or human.


Emasculation is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of the male testes. This procedure is often performed on animals, such as horses and dogs, to prevent reproduction and to control aggressive behavior. In humans, emasculation may be performed for medical reasons, such as testicular cancer, or for cultural or personal reasons.

Related Terms

  • Castration: A more general term for the removal of the gonads (the testes in males and ovaries in females). Emasculation is a form of castration.
  • Orchiectomy: A surgical procedure that involves the removal of one or both of the testes. This is a type of emasculation.
  • Eunuch: A man who has been emasculated. In some cultures, eunuchs have held special social roles.

See Also

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