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Douching (/duːʃɪŋ/) is a method of washing or cleaning out the vagina with water or other mixtures of fluids.


The term "douche" is derived from the French word "douche", which means to wash or soak. It was first used in English in the 18th century to refer to a jet or stream of water applied to a part of the body for medicinal or hygienic purposes.


Douching is used for personal hygiene or aesthetic reasons, for preventing or treating an infection, or as a part of fertility and contraceptive routines. However, it is generally not recommended by health professionals due to potential health risks, including an increased risk of bacterial vaginosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, and other vaginal infections.


Douching methods vary, but typically involve the use of water, vinegar, iodine, or baking soda. The solution is typically applied using a douche bag, which is a piece of equipment that includes a tube and a bag or another type of container holding the fluid.

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