Doctors in Montgomery, OH

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Name Credentials Medical school Graduation year Primary specialty Secondary specialties organization City State Zip Hospital affiliations
Alivia Jewell 1730545351 2,010 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North
Alzira Leques 1265746655 West Virginia University School of Medicine 2,006 Obstetrics/Gynecology Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North
Amanda Coughlin 1275774283 2,008 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North, Mercy Health-Anderson Hospital
Andrew Ofosu 1184905572 University of Massachusetts Medical School 2,017 Gastroenterology Montgomery OH 45242 University of Cincinnati Medical Center, Llc
Angela Beard 1831189208 CNA University of Cincinnati College of Medicine 2,003 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Mercy Health - West Hospital
Ann Oliver 1285670026 CNA 2,003 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Good Samaritan Hospital
Ann Tuttle 1679571137 University of Cincinnati College of Medicine 1,992 Anesthesiology Pain Management Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North, Good Samaritan Hospital
Anne Engelhard 1962805739 2,014 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North, Good Samaritan Hospital
Anthony Iarussi 1881805190 University of Cincinnati College of Medicine 2,004 Anesthesiology Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North, Good Samaritan Hospital
Bimal Shah 1043363617 University of Illinois College of Medicine (Chi/Peor/Rock/Chm-Urb) 2,004 Anesthesiology Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North, Good Samaritan Hospital
Bonnie Rebella 1356508998 2,004 Nurse Practitioner Montgomery OH 45242
Brent Ferroni 1174771117 2,008 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North
Brent Stover 1962587758 CNA 2,006 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Good Samaritan Hospital
Brian Mcclure 1841769924 2,018 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North, Good Samaritan Hospital
Brittany Hicks 1124430392 2,014 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Mercy Health-Anderson Hospital
Carey Costantini 1881675908 MD Ohio State University College of Medicine 1,981 Anesthesiology Montgomery OH 45242 St Elizabeth Edgewood, St Elizabeth Florence
Carol Bujak-Aaron 1427150440 MD 2,002 Anesthesiology Montgomery OH 45242 Good Samaritan Hospital
Carrie Tuchfarber 1700109998 2,009 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North, Good Samaritan Hospital
Charles Myers 1962730788 University of Cincinnati College of Medicine 2,009 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242
Christina Ward 1770986945 1,989 Occupational Therapy Montgomery OH 45242
Christopher Brosnahan 1306890900 DC Cleveland Chiropractic College - Kansas City 1,990 Chiropractic Montgomery OH 45242
Cindy Mcbride 1699728352 CNA 2,003 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Good Samaritan Hospital
Courtney Rosensweet 1396041893 2,010 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North, Good Samaritan Hospital
Cynthia Rodriguez 1164420022 CNA 2,000 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North, The Jewish Hospital-Mercy Health
Damian Dolan 1609858612 University of Miami, Lm Miller School of Medicine 1,986 Anesthesiology Montgomery OH 45242 St Elizabeth Edgewood, St Elizabeth Florence, St Elizabeth Ft Thomas
Damon Legault 1629373949 2,010 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242
Daniel Benz 1679530828 1,995 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Good Samaritan Hospital
Daniel Laughlin 1659960466 2,020 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Good Samaritan Hospital
Daniel Mcbreen 1881829828 2,009 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Mercy Health - West Hospital, Mercy Health-Anderson Hospital
Darrel Wesley 1821267618 2,007 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North
David Klein 1104865369 1,983 Anesthesiology Montgomery OH 45242 Good Samaritan Hospital
Dean Walters 1144789132 Arizona Podiatric Medicine Program At Midwestern Un 2,019 Podiatry Montgomery OH 45242
Debbie Sebastian 1164415261 CNA 1,994 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242
Derek Brumley 1851787899 University of Cincinnati College of Medicine 2,014 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North, Good Samaritan Hospital
Donald Wash 1093088395 2,011 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Good Samaritan Hospital
Douglas Erpenbeck 1215069026 2,006 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Good Samaritan Hospital
Edward Brose 1922065176 Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine 1,986 Anesthesiology Montgomery OH 45242 Good Samaritan Hospital
Eric Ramsey 1164820189 2,014 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Good Samaritan Hospital, Adams County Regional Medical Center
Erica Smith 1073940524 2,013 Occupational Therapy Montgomery OH 45242
George Welsh 1225022684 MD Harvard Medical School 1,966 Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery Montgomery OH 45242
Gerard Reilly 1326041740 University of Cincinnati College of Medicine 1,988 Obstetrics/Gynecology Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North, Good Samaritan Hospital, Mercy Health - West Hospital
Gregory Fry 1831156090 University of Cincinnati College of Medicine 1,986 Anesthesiology Pain Management Montgomery OH 45242 Good Samaritan Hospital
Heather Hartman 1558504118 Medical College of Wisconsin 2,009 Allergy/Immunology Montgomery OH 45242 Good Samaritan Hospital, Bethesda North
Holly Vaughn 1730553280 2,015 Physician Assistant Montgomery OH 45242 Mercy Health - Fairfield Hospital
Jackie Joyce 1346659364 1,984 Occupational Therapy Montgomery OH 45242
James Weller 1528062064 MD Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine 1,998 Anesthesiology Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North, Good Samaritan Hospital, Mccullough-Hyde Memorial Hospital
James Yi 1326334509 Indiana University School of Medicine 2,011 Anesthesiology Montgomery OH 45242 Mercy Health - West Hospital
Jane Theobald 1508970286 Ohio State University College of Medicine 1,965 Physical Therapy Montgomery OH 45242
Jannette Johnson 1457359374 1,968 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North
Jayne Willett 1235644238 2,017 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Good Samaritan Hospital
Jennifer Lunsford 1104124189 2,010 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Good Samaritan Hospital
Jennifer Phillips 1306109699 2,011 Clinical Psychologist Montgomery OH 45242
Jessica Serna 1396101853 2,015 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North, Good Samaritan Hospital
Ji Woo Lee 1720192990 MD 1,972 General Surgery Vascular Surgery Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North, University of Cincinnati Medical Center, Llc
John Herold 1366481103 University of Louisville School of Medicine 1,985 Anesthesiology Montgomery OH 45242 Good Samaritan Hospital
Jonathan Kremer 1124345996 University of Cincinnati College of Medicine 2,010 Anesthesiology Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North, Good Samaritan Hospital
Joshua Fegan 1295207769 Clvlnd Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Wstn Rsv University 2,007 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Aultman Hospital, Bethesda North
Judith Whisler 1508823311 1,991 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Good Samaritan Hospital
Julie Koelling 1770581795 CNA 2,004 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North
Justin Millard 1821161852 University of Cincinnati College of Medicine 2,003 Anesthesiology Interventional Pain Management Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North, Good Samaritan Hospital
Karyn Bransford 1740602416 2,013 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North, Good Samaritan Hospital
Kay Johnson 1306802111 MD University of Toledo College of Medicine 1,987 Internal Medicine Montgomery OH 45242 University of Cincinnati Medical Center, Llc, West Chester Hospital, Christ Hospital, The Jewish Hospital-Mercy Health, Bethesda North
Kelly Greer 1285666107 DC Palmer College Chiropractic - Davenport 2,001 Chiropractic Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation Montgomery OH 45242
Kelsey Sparks 1891226296 University of Cincinnati College of Medicine 2,017 Internal Medicine Montgomery OH 45242 University of Cincinnati Medical Center, Llc, West Chester Hospital, The Jewish Hospital-Mercy Health
Kendall Graman 1316521404 2,021 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Mercy Health - West Hospital
Kevin Baldasare 1184952988 2,009 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North
Kimberly Notestine 1700884657 CNA 1,994 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242
Kimberly Steinriede 1144651134 2,013 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Good Samaritan Hospital
Kristen Smith 1689823510 1,999 Qualified Audiologist Montgomery OH 45242
Kurt Wierwille 1780191049 2,017 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North, The Jewish Hospital-Mercy Health, Good Samaritan Hospital
Lauren Hart 1265026181 2,020 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North
Lauren Johnstone 1992942577 2,008 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Good Samaritan Hospital
Leah Schwetschenau 1982875886 2,007 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242
Linda Conner 1932107869 1,994 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242
Loriel Niemann 1487952990 2,010 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Good Samaritan Hospital
Lynette Pfaff 1063784098 2,011 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North
Marcia Mcmahon 1487611729 CNA 1,997 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Good Samaritan Hospital
Margaret Mcinally 1295707321 CNA 2,003 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Mercy Health - West Hospital
Maria Thomas 1265908198 2,018 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North
Mark Vargo 1376875443 2,009 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Good Samaritan Hospital
Matthew Knoepfler 1952764284 University of Cincinnati College of Medicine 2,016 Anesthesiology Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North, Good Samaritan Hospital
Matthew Starr 1831631613 University of Cincinnati College of Medicine 2,016 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North, Good Samaritan Hospital
Maureen Parrott 1811943764 CNA 1,998 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Good Samaritan Hospital
Megan Wilkins 1104464825 University of Cincinnati College of Medicine 2,019 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North, Good Samaritan Hospital
Melita De Marco 1821505512 2,017 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North, Good Samaritan Hospital
Michael Cardosi 1558319087 MD University of Kentucky College of Medicine 1,997 Anesthesiology Montgomery OH 45242 Good Samaritan Hospital, Bethesda North
Michael Cummings 1669426649 1,993 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242
Michael Ruebusch 1487693073 CNA University of Cincinnati College of Medicine 1,996 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North
Michael Stein 1285907246 Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine 2,012 Anesthesiology Montgomery OH 45242 Good Samaritan Hospital, Bethesda North
Nash Dreyer 1356554091 1,999 Occupational Therapy Montgomery OH 45242
Neil Nadel 1386114007 2,018 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North
Nicole Schmutte 1982940359 2,012 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Good Samaritan Hospital
Rachel Rose 1245979715 2,022 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North
Raj Sachar 1437104452 MD 1,980 Anesthesiology Montgomery OH 45242 Good Samaritan Hospital
Robert Finlay 1447215348 Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine 1,997 Internal Medicine Montgomery OH 45242 University of Cincinnati Medical Center, Llc, West Chester Hospital, Christ Hospital, Bethesda North, The Jewish Hospital-Mercy Health
Robin Peng 1992841589 PA 2,004 Physician Assistant Montgomery OH 45242 University of Cincinnati Medical Center, Llc, West Chester Hospital
Rodney Rice 1245323880 CNA 2,005 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North
Roger Schantz 1992703433 Ohio State University College of Medicine 1,988 Anesthesiology Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North, Good Samaritan Hospital
Ronnie Robbins 1235644717 2,017 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North, Good Samaritan Hospital
Roshan Babu 1407219280 University of Missouri, Kansas City, School of Medicine 2,016 Anesthesiology Montgomery OH 45242 Bethesda North, Good Samaritan Hospital


List of doctors in Ohio

Name Credentials Medical school Graduation year Primary specialty Secondary specialties organization City State Zip Hospital affiliations
Abhishek Singla 1417237538 2,006 Pulmonary Disease Cincinnati OH 45219 West Chester Hospital, University of Cincinnati Medical Center, Llc
Aditi Yadav 1003240938 2,007 Medical Genetics And Genomics Cleveland OH 44195
Aida Safar 1033192463 MD 1,986 Pathology Cleveland OH 44195 Mercy Medical Center
Alison Bailey 1225441793 2,013 Qualified Audiologist Troy OH 45373
Allen Ho 1225448533 Harvard Medical School 2,014 Neurology Cleveland OH 44195 Cleveland Clinic
Amy Higgins 1285276659 1,993 Registered Dietitian Or Nutrition Professional Cincinnati OH 45242
Anna Hall 1609119940 2,012 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (Crna) Toledo OH 43606 Promedica Toledo Hospital
Anne Autry 1972915742 University of Michigan Medical School 1,977 Addiction Medicine Cincinnati OH 45219
Ayla Kessler 1437359585 2,005 Medical Oncology Salem OH 44460 Salem Regional Medical Center
Babak Tousi 1720074495 MD 1,995 Geriatric Medicine Internal Medicine Cleveland OH 44195 Cleveland Clinic, Fairview Hospital, Cleveland Clinic Avon Hospital


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