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Deteriorate (pronunciation: /dɪˈtɪərɪəreɪt/) is a verb that refers to the process of becoming progressively worse or declining in quality, value, or strength.


The term 'deteriorate' originates from the Late Latin word 'deteriorare', which means 'to make worse'. It is derived from 'deterior', which translates to 'worse' in English.

Related Terms

  • Degenerate: To decline or deteriorate physically, mentally, or morally.
  • Decay: The state or process of rotting or decomposition.
  • Decline: Gradually become less, worse, or lower.
  • Degradation: The condition or process of degrading or being degraded.
  • Worsen: Make or become worse.


The term 'deteriorate' is commonly used in medical contexts to describe the worsening of a patient's health condition. For example, "The patient's health began to deteriorate rapidly after the surgery."

See Also

External links


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