Deep frying

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Deep frying

Deep frying (/di:p 'fraɪɪŋ/) is a cooking method in which food is submerged in hot fat, most commonly oil, as opposed to the shallow oil used in conventional frying done in a frying pan. Normally, a deep fryer or chip pan is used for this; industrially, a pressure fryer or vacuum fryer may be used.


The term "deep frying" and many modern deep-fried foods originated in the 19th century. The English language word "fry" comes from the Old French frire (pronounced 'free-re'), which in turn comes from the Latin word frigere, which means "to roast".


Deep frying food involves immersing the food in hot oil. The food is then cooked by the heat produced by the oil-soluble thermal conduction. The heat breaks down the food's carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids, changing its texture, flavor, and color.

Health concerns

Deep frying can pose some health risks. The oil used for deep frying can often be reused, but it can become harmful if it is used for too long or if it is heated to a too high temperature. Deep-fried food is often high in calories and fat, which can contribute to obesity and other health problems if consumed in large amounts.

Related terms

  • Frying: A cooking method that involves cooking food in oil or another fat.
  • Sautéing: A method of cooking that uses a small amount of oil or fat in a shallow pan over relatively high heat.
  • Pan frying: A form of frying characterized by the use of minimal cooking oil or fat compared to shallow or deep frying.
  • Stir frying: A Chinese cooking technique in which ingredients are fried in a small amount of very hot oil while being stirred in a wok.

External links


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