David J. Jenkins

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David J. Jenkins

David J. Jenkins (pronunciation: /ˈdeɪvɪd ˈdʒeɪ ˈdʒɛnkɪnz/) is a renowned British-Canadian nutrition scientist and professor at the University of Toronto's Department of Nutritional Sciences. He is best known for developing the concept of the glycemic index (GI), a system that ranks foods based on their impact on blood sugar levels.


The name "David" is of Hebrew origin, meaning "beloved". The surname "Jenkins" is of Welsh origin, derived from "John", meaning "God is gracious".


Jenkins started his career as a researcher in the field of nutrition science. His research led to the development of the glycemic index, a tool used to predict the body's blood sugar response to specific foods. This concept has had a significant impact on the field of nutrition and dietetics, influencing dietary guidelines and food labelling policies worldwide.

In addition to his work on the glycemic index, Jenkins has conducted extensive research on the effects of diet on cholesterol levels, the benefits of plant-based diets, and the role of dietary fiber in health and disease.

Related Terms

  • Glycemic Index: A system that ranks foods on a scale from 1 to 100 based on their effect on blood sugar levels.
  • Nutrition Science: The study of the effects of food components on the metabolism, health, performance and disease resistance of human and animals.
  • Cholesterol: A waxy, fat-like substance that's found in all the cells in your body.
  • Plant-based diet: A diet consisting mostly or entirely of foods derived from plants, including vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, legumes and fruits, and with few or no animal products.
  • Dietary Fiber: The indigestible portion of food derived from plants.

External links


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