Chinese Society of Psychiatry

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Chinese Society of Psychiatry

The Chinese Society of Psychiatry (CSP) is a professional organization that focuses on the study, treatment, and prevention of mental disorders in China. It is a branch of the Chinese Medical Association and is the main professional organization for psychiatrists in China.


In Mandarin, it is pronounced as "Zhōngguó Jīngshén Yīxuéhuì".


The term "Chinese Society of Psychiatry" is a direct translation of its Chinese name "中国精神医学会". The term "精神医学会" translates to "Psychiatry Society", and "中国" translates to "China".


The Chinese Society of Psychiatry was established in 1951, shortly after the founding of the People's Republic of China. It was initially a part of the Chinese Medical Association, but became an independent organization in 1987.

Related Terms

  • Psychiatry: The medical specialty devoted to the diagnosis, prevention, study, and treatment of mental disorders.
  • Chinese Medical Association: The largest and oldest non-governmental medical organization in China.
  • Mental Health in China: The state of mental health and mental healthcare in China.
  • Mental Disorder: A behavioral or mental pattern that causes significant distress or impairment of personal functioning.

See Also

External links


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