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Chapel (pronunciation: /ˈtʃapəl/) is a term used to describe a place of worship that is typically smaller than a traditional church. The term is derived from the Latin word capella, which means "little cape", in reference to the cloak of Saint Martin of Tours.


The term "chapel" originates from the Latin word capella, which translates to "little cape". This term was first used to describe the sanctuary where the cloak of Saint Martin of Tours was kept as a relic. Over time, the term evolved to refer to any small place of worship, often associated with larger churches or other institutions.

Related Terms

  • Church: A larger place of worship, often the main place of worship for a particular religion or denomination.
  • Sanctuary: A sacred or holy place in a church or chapel.
  • Relic: An object, especially a piece of the body or personal item of a saint, that is venerated for its association with a holy person or event.
  • Worship: The act of showing respect and love for a god, especially by praying, having religious services, etc.

See Also

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