Chagas disease

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Chagas disease (pronunciation: /ˈʃɑːɡəz/), also known as American trypanosomiasis (pronunciation: /trɪˌpænəsoʊˈmaɪəsɪs/), is a tropical parasitic disease caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi (pronunciation: /trɪˌpænəˈsoʊmə ˈkruːzi/). The disease is named after the Brazilian physician Carlos Chagas, who discovered the disease in 1909.


The term "Chagas" is derived from the name of its discoverer, Carlos Chagas. The term "trypanosomiasis" comes from Trypanosoma, the name of the genus of parasites that causes the disease, and "-iasis", a common suffix in medicine indicating a pathological condition.


Chagas disease is characterized by its acute and chronic phases. The acute phase may present with fever, swelling at the site of inoculation, swollen lymph nodes, and mild enlargement of the liver or spleen. The chronic phase can lead to complications such as cardiomyopathy, arrhythmia, and megacolon.


The disease is primarily transmitted by the feces of infected triatomine bugs, known as "kissing bugs". Other modes of transmission include from mother to child, through blood transfusion, organ transplantation, consumption of food contaminated with the parasites, and laboratory accidents.


Diagnosis of Chagas disease can be made through microscopic examination of fresh anticoagulated blood, or its buffy coat, for motile parasites; or through serological tests.


Treatment involves antiparasitic treatment to kill the parasite, and symptomatic treatment to manage the symptoms and complications.


Prevention strategies include vector control, blood screening, and treatment of those infected.

See also

External links


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