Cecil Textbook of Medicine

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Cecil Textbook of Medicine

The Cecil Textbook of Medicine (pronunciation: /ˈsiːsəl/), also known as Goldman-Cecil Medicine, is a comprehensive medical textbook that has been published continuously since 1927. It is one of the most prominent and widely used textbooks in the field of internal medicine.


The textbook is named after its original author, Dr. Russell LaFayette Cecil, a renowned American internist. The current name, Goldman-Cecil Medicine, also includes the name of Dr. Lee Goldman, a key contributor to recent editions.


The Cecil Textbook of Medicine covers a broad range of medical topics, including cardiology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, hematology, infectious diseases, neurology, oncology, and rheumatology. Each chapter provides a comprehensive overview of the disease, its pathophysiology, clinical presentation, diagnostic approach, and treatment options.

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