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Calfactant (pronounced: kal-FAK-tant) is a type of pulmonary surfactant used in the treatment of Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) in newborns. It is derived from bovine lung extract and contains phospholipids, neutral lipids, fatty acids, and surfactant-associated proteins such as SP-B and SP-C to mimic the function of natural human pulmonary surfactant.


The term "Calfactant" is derived from the words 'calf' and 'surfactant'. The 'calf' part of the name refers to the bovine source of the drug, while 'surfactant' refers to the substance's function in the body. Surfactants are compounds that lower the surface tension between two liquids or between a liquid and a solid.


Calfactant is administered intratracheally by a healthcare professional. It is used to prevent and treat Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) in premature infants. RDS is a condition where the lungs are not fully developed, leading to difficulty in breathing. Calfactant works by lowering the surface tension in the lungs, helping them to stay open and take in oxygen.

Related Terms

  • Pulmonary surfactant: A complex mixture of lipids and proteins that is secreted into the alveolar space of the lungs and serves to maintain the stability of pulmonary tissue by reducing the surface tension of fluids that coat the lung.
  • Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS): A breathing disorder that affects newborns, usually those who are premature. RDS babies have difficulty breathing because their lungs aren't fully developed.
  • SP-B and SP-C: Surfactant proteins B and C, respectively. These are proteins that are part of the surfactant system in the lungs. They play a crucial role in the function and metabolism of surfactant.

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