Brattleboro rat

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Brattleboro Rat

The Brattleboro Rat (brat•tle•bo•ro rat, /ˈbrætəlbɜːroʊ ræt/) is a strain of laboratory rat that is genetically incapable of producing the hormone vasopressin due to a mutation. This condition results in a syndrome similar to diabetes insipidus in humans, with symptoms including polydipsia (excessive thirst) and polyuria (excessive urination).


The name "Brattleboro Rat" originates from the town of Brattleboro, Vermont, where the strain was first identified and studied at the Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center in the 1960s.


Brattleboro Rats are characterized by their inability to produce vasopressin, a hormone that regulates the body's retention of water. This leads to a condition known as diabetes insipidus, which is marked by excessive thirst and urination. Despite these symptoms, Brattleboro Rats are generally healthy and can live a normal lifespan with proper care and hydration.

Use in Research

Due to their unique genetic condition, Brattleboro Rats are often used in scientific research to study the effects of vasopressin deficiency and potential treatments for diabetes insipidus. They have also been used in studies on neuroendocrinology, renal physiology, and behavioral science.

Related Terms

  • Vasopressin: A hormone produced in the hypothalamus and stored in the pituitary gland that regulates the body's retention of water.
  • Diabetes insipidus: A condition characterized by excessive thirst and urination, often caused by a deficiency in vasopressin.
  • Polydipsia: Excessive thirst, often a symptom of diabetes insipidus.
  • Polyuria: Excessive urination, often a symptom of diabetes insipidus.

External links


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