Bone marrow examination

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Bone Marrow Examination

Bone marrow examination (pronunciation: /boʊn ˈmær.oʊ ɪgˈzæm.ɪˌneɪ.ʃən/) is a medical procedure that involves the extraction and analysis of bone marrow, the spongy tissue located inside the bones.


The term "bone marrow examination" is derived from the English words "bone", "marrow", and "examination". "Bone" and "marrow" are Old English in origin, while "examination" comes from the Latin word "examinare", meaning to weigh or test.


The procedure is typically performed to diagnose and monitor diseases and conditions that affect the bone marrow, such as leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma. It can also be used to determine the cause of unexplained anemia or other blood disorders.

A bone marrow examination usually involves two parts: a bone marrow aspiration and a bone marrow biopsy. In a bone marrow aspiration, a small amount of liquid marrow is removed with a needle. In a bone marrow biopsy, a small piece of bone and marrow is removed with a larger needle.

Risks and Complications

While generally safe, bone marrow examinations can sometimes cause complications. These may include infection, bleeding, and reactions to the local anesthetic. Patients may also experience pain or discomfort during and after the procedure.

Related Terms

  • Hematology: The branch of medicine concerned with the study of blood, blood-forming organs, and blood diseases.
  • Oncology: The study and treatment of tumors, including cancers that may involve the bone marrow.
  • Pathology: The scientific study of disease processes; in the context of a bone marrow examination, pathology refers to the examination of the extracted bone marrow under a microscope.

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