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Biospecimen (pronunciation: /ˌbaɪoʊˈspɛsɪmən/) is a biological material, such as tissue, blood, urine, or saliva, that is collected for laboratory analysis or storage.


The term "biospecimen" is derived from the Greek word "bios" meaning "life" and the Latin word "specimen" meaning "example" or "sample".

Related Terms

  • Biobank: A type of repository that stores biological samples (biospecimens) for use in research.
  • Biological sample: A general term for a sample taken from a living organism.
  • Tissue sample: A piece of tissue taken from the body to be examined in a laboratory.
  • Blood sample: A small amount of blood taken from the body to be tested in a laboratory.
  • Urine sample: A sample of urine that is tested in a laboratory for various diseases or conditions.
  • Saliva sample: A sample of saliva that is tested in a laboratory for various diseases or conditions.

See Also

External links


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