Belantamab mafodotin-blmf

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Belantamab mafodotin-blmf (pronunciation: bel-an-TAM-ab maf-oh-DOH-tin) is a monoclonal antibody-drug conjugate used for the treatment of multiple myeloma. It is marketed under the brand name Blenrep by GlaxoSmithKline.


The name "Belantamab mafodotin-blmf" is derived from its components: "Bel" for the monoclonal antibody belantamab, "maf" for the drug mafodotin, and "blmf" as a unique identifier.


Belantamab mafodotin-blmf is used for the treatment of adults with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma who have received at least four prior therapies including an anti-CD38 monoclonal antibody, a proteasome inhibitor, and an immunomodulatory agent.

Mechanism of Action

Belantamab mafodotin-blmf works by binding to the BCMA (B-cell maturation antigen) on the surface of multiple myeloma cells, and delivering the cytotoxic drug mafodotin directly to the cells.

Side Effects

Common side effects of Belantamab mafodotin-blmf include keratopathy, blurred vision, dry eyes, and decreased visual acuity.

Related Terms

External links


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