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Barn (medical term)

Barn (pronounced: /bɑːrn/) is a unit of area used in nuclear physics. In medicine, it is used to measure the cross-sectional area of biological cells or molecules, particularly in the field of radiology and radiation therapy.


The term "barn" was coined by American nuclear physicists, who found it amusing to use a term for a large, easily hit target to represent a very small, difficult-to-hit target. The term was first used in this context in the 1940s.

Related Terms

  • Barn Megabarn: A unit of area used in nuclear physics, equal to 1,000,000 barns.
  • Barn Microbarn: A unit of area used in nuclear physics, equal to 0.000001 barns.
  • Barn Picobarn: A unit of area used in nuclear physics, equal to 0.000000000001 barns.
  • Barn Femtobarn: A unit of area used in nuclear physics, equal to 0.000000000000001 barns.
  • Barn Attobarn: A unit of area used in nuclear physics, equal to 0.000000000000000001 barns.

External links


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