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Bail (medical)

Bail (pronounced: /beɪl/) is a term used in the field of medicine to describe a specific procedure or action. The term is derived from the Old French baille, which means "to take charge of", although its usage in a medical context is more recent.


In a medical context, bail refers to the act of providing temporary relief or support to a patient or a medical condition. This could be through the use of medical equipment, medication, or other therapeutic interventions.


The term bail is often used in emergency medicine and critical care settings. For example, a doctor might bail a patient with severe respiratory distress by providing them with supplemental oxygen or intubating them to secure their airway.

Related Terms

  • Bailout: In a medical context, a bailout refers to a backup plan or emergency procedure that is implemented when the primary plan fails or is not feasible. For example, if a patient's airway cannot be secured with intubation, a tracheostomy might be performed as a bailout procedure.
  • Bail-in: A bail-in refers to a procedure or intervention that is implemented from within the body. For example, a stent might be placed in a blocked artery as a bail-in procedure to restore blood flow.

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