Bachelor of Science

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Bachelor of Science

The Bachelor of Science (BSc, BS, B.Sc., B.S., or B. Sc.) is an undergraduate academic degree awarded for programs that generally last three to five years. The term Bachelor of Science is pronounced as /ˈbætʃələr ɒv ˈsaɪəns/.


The term Bachelor of Science is derived from the Latin baccalaureus scientiae. Baccalaureus is the Latin word for "bachelor", while scientiae is the genitive form of scientia, meaning "knowledge" or "science".

Related Terms

  • Bachelor of Arts: An undergraduate degree awarded for a course or program in the arts and humanities.
  • Master of Science: A postgraduate degree awarded for programs in science, engineering, medicine, and other related fields.
  • Doctor of Philosophy: The highest academic degree awarded by universities in most fields of study.
  • Undergraduate degree: A degree awarded by a college or university for undergraduate study.
  • Postgraduate degree: A degree awarded by a university or college after the completion of an undergraduate degree.

See Also

External links


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