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Appointment (/əˈpɔɪntmənt/) is a prearranged meeting set at a specific time and place. It is often used in the context of healthcare to refer to a scheduled meeting between a patient and a healthcare provider.


The term "appointment" originates from the Middle English word "appointen", which means "to arrange, settle, assign". It is derived from the Old French "apointier", and ultimately from the Latin "ad-" (to) + "punctum" (point or place).

Related Terms

  • Consultation: A meeting with an expert or professional, such as a medical doctor, in order to seek advice.
  • Check-up: A general medical examination to assess a person's health and to screen for potential medical issues.
  • Follow-up: An additional appointment made after an initial appointment to monitor progress or to check the outcome of a treatment.
  • Walk-in: An unscheduled appointment, where the patient visits a healthcare provider without a prior appointment.

Usage in Healthcare

In healthcare, an appointment is a scheduled arrangement for a patient to meet with a healthcare provider at a specific time and place. Appointments are typically made for consultations, check-ups, treatments, and follow-ups. They are an essential part of healthcare management and help in the efficient running of healthcare facilities.

Appointments can be made via phone calls, online platforms, or in person. The details of the appointment such as the date, time, and place are usually recorded in an Appointment System which helps in managing and scheduling appointments.

See Also

External links


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