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Afebrile (/əˈfɛbraɪl/ or /əˈfɛbrɪl/) is a medical term that refers to the state of not having a fever. It is derived from the Latin word 'febris', meaning fever, and the prefix 'a-', which denotes absence.


  • UK: /əˈfɛbraɪl/
  • US: /əˈfɛbrɪl/


The term 'afebrile' is derived from the Latin word 'febris', which means fever, and the prefix 'a-', which denotes absence. Thus, 'afebrile' literally means 'without fever'.

Related Terms

  • Fever: An elevated body temperature, usually due to an illness or infection.
  • Hyperthermia: A condition characterized by an abnormally high body temperature, often due to excessive heat exposure or heat stroke.
  • Hypothermia: A condition characterized by an abnormally low body temperature, often due to exposure to cold environments.
  • Pyrexia: Another term for fever, often used in medical contexts.
  • Febrile: Pertaining to or marked by fever; feverish.

See Also

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