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Academy (Medicine)

Academy (pronounced: a-ka-duh-mee) is a term often used in the field of medicine to refer to a professional body or institution that promotes and fosters the advancement of a particular branch of medicine. The term is derived from the ancient Greek word Akadēmía, which was a place near Athens where Plato taught his followers.


The term "academy" comes from the name of the land owned by a certain Akademos or Hekademos in ancient Greece. Plato, the famous philosopher, who taught there, gave the place its fame, which later became associated with educational institutions.

Related Terms

  • Academic Medicine: Refers to the work of health professionals in universities and teaching hospitals, which involves the integration of clinical service, research, and teaching.
  • Academy of Medical Sciences: An organization that aims to promote the advancement of medical science and its translation into benefits for society.

See Also

External links


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