Abortion in Cape Verde

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Abortion in Cape Verde

Abortion in Cape Verde (pronunciation: /əˈbɔːrʃən ɪn keɪp ˈvɜːrd/), refers to the termination of pregnancy in the African island nation of Cape Verde. The etymology of the term 'abortion' is derived from the Latin word 'abortio', which means 'to miscarry'.

Legal Status

Abortion in Cape Verde is legal and available on request during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. The law was liberalized in 2005, making Cape Verde one of the few African countries where abortion is legal on request.

Cultural and Social Aspects

Despite its legal status, abortion in Cape Verde is still a controversial issue. The predominantly Catholic population often holds conservative views on the matter, which can lead to stigma and discrimination against women who choose to have an abortion.

Health Implications

The availability of safe and legal abortion services in Cape Verde has significantly reduced the number of unsafe abortions and related maternal deaths. However, access to these services can be limited, particularly in rural areas.

Related Terms

  • Pregnancy: The state of carrying a developing embryo or fetus within the female body.
  • Termination of Pregnancy: Another term for abortion, often used in medical contexts.
  • Maternal Health: The health of women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period.
  • Unsafe Abortion: A procedure for terminating an unintended pregnancy carried out either by persons lacking the necessary skills or in an environment that does not conform to minimal medical standards.

External links


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