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Vata (pronounced: vaa-taa) is a fundamental concept in Ayurveda, the traditional system of medicine from India. The term originates from the Sanskrit word "vaayu," which translates to "that which moves things."


The term "Vata" is derived from the Sanskrit word "vaayu," which means "wind" or "that which moves things." This is reflective of the principle of movement that Vata embodies in the Ayurvedic system.


In Ayurveda, Vata is one of the three Doshas (biological energies) that govern the body's physical and mental processes. It is associated with movement, including the circulation of blood, breathing, blinking, and the movement of thoughts across the mind.

Vata is considered the most powerful of the three doshas. It controls very basic body functions, like how cells divide. It also controls the mind, breathing, blood flow, heart function, and ability to get rid of waste through the intestines.


Vata is characterized by the qualities of dryness, lightness, coldness, irregularity, roughness, quickness, and changeability. It is said to be composed of the elements air and ether (space), which give it these attributes.

Related Terms

  • Pitta: The dosha associated with fire and water, responsible for metabolism and transformation in the body.
  • Kapha: The dosha associated with earth and water, responsible for growth, adding structure unit by unit. It also offers protection, for example, in form of the cerebral-spinal fluid that protects the brain and spinal column.
  • Prakriti: The inherent nature or constitution of an individual, determined by the balance of the doshas at the time of conception.
  • Ayurveda: The traditional system of medicine from India, which uses a holistic approach to health and wellness.

See Also


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