Sylhet Women's Medical College

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Sylhet Women's Medical College

Sylhet Women's Medical College (pronunciation: sɪlˈhɛt wɪmɪnz mɛdɪkəl kɒlɪdʒ) is a private medical school located in Sylhet, Bangladesh, dedicated to the education of women in the field of medicine.


The name "Sylhet Women's Medical College" is derived from its location in the city of Sylhet and its focus on providing medical education to women.


Sylhet Women's Medical College was established in 2005. It is recognized by the Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council and is affiliated with the Shahjalal University of Science and Technology.


The curriculum at Sylhet Women's Medical College follows the standard medical curriculum as prescribed by the Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council. It includes foundational courses in anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry, followed by clinical rotations in various specialties such as surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, and pediatrics.

Related Terms

  • Medical school: An educational institution that provides medical education. These institutions may vary from stand-alone colleges that train doctors to conglomerates that offer training in all aspects of medical care.
  • Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council: The regulatory authority for medical and dental education and practice for Bangladesh.
  • Shahjalal University of Science and Technology: A public research university based in Sylhet, Bangladesh. It is the 8th oldest university of the country and the first university to adopt the American credit system.

External links


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