Driving and Community Mobility

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Driving and Community Mobility
TermDriving and Community Mobility
Short definitionOccupational therapists can optimize and prolong an older driver's ability to drive safely and ease the transition to other forms of transportation if driving cessation becomes necessary.  By identifying strengths as well as physical or cognitive challenges, occupational therapists can evaluate an individual's overall ability to operate a vehicle safely and recommend assistive devices or behavioral changes to limit risks.  Occupational therapy practitioners offer a continuum of services related to community mobility, from evaluation of driving performance, through counseling and support for lifestyle changes, to maintaining independence and quality of life.

Driving and Community Mobility (definition) - Occupational therapists can optimize and prolong an older driver's ability to drive safely and ease the transition to other forms of transportation if driving cessation becomes necessary.  By identifying strengths as well as physical or cognitive challenges, occupational therapists can evaluate an individual's overall ability to operate a vehicle safely and recommend assistive devices or behavioral changes to limit risks.  Occupational therapy practitioners offer a continuum of services related to community mobility, from evaluation of driving performance, through counseling and support for lifestyle changes, to maintaining independence and quality of life.

Branches of Medicine and Surgery
General Medicine Surgery Pediatrics Psychiatry Obstetrics and Gynecology Other Specialties
Internal Medicine General Surgery Pediatric Medicine Psychiatry Obstetrics Dermatology
Cardiology Orthopedic Surgery Neonatology Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Gynecology Ophthalmology
Endocrinology Neurosurgery Pediatric Surgery Geriatric Psychiatry Reproductive Medicine Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)
Gastroenterology Cardiothoracic Surgery Pediatric Cardiology Addiction Psychiatry Maternal-Fetal Medicine Pathology
Nephrology Plastic Surgery Pediatric Neurology Forensic Psychiatry Urogynecology Radiology
Pulmonology Vascular Surgery Pediatric Endocrinology Sleep Medicine Menopausal Medicine Anesthesiology
Rheumatology Colorectal Surgery Pediatric Oncology Psychosomatic Medicine Emergency Medicine
Infectious Disease Trauma Surgery Pediatric Gastroenterology Nuclear Medicine
Hematology Urology Pediatric Pulmonology Preventive Medicine
Neurology Pediatric Surgery Pediatric Infectious Disease Public Health
Oncology Burn Surgery Pediatric Rheumatology Sports Medicine
Geriatrics Hand Surgery Adolescent Medicine Occupational Medicine
Immunology Microsurgery Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics Environmental Medicine
Allergy Surgical Oncology Pediatric Dermatology Palliative Care
Diabetology Transplant Surgery Pediatric Ophthalmology Tropical Medicine
Critical Care Medicine Bariatric Surgery Pediatric Endocrinology Hyperbaric Medicine
Pain Medicine Robotic Surgery Pediatric Nephrology Hospital Medicine
Sleep Medicine Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery Pediatric Hematology Military Medicine