Yardlong beans

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Yardlong beans

Yardlong beans (Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis), also known as Chinese long beans, snake beans, or asparagus beans, are a type of legume native to Southeast Asia. The name "yardlong" is a misnomer, as the beans are typically about half a yard long. The beans are a staple in many Asian cuisines and are often used in stir-fries, curries, and salads.


Yardlong beans: /ˈjɑːrdˌlɒŋ biːnz/


The term "yardlong" comes from the length of the beans, which can grow up to a yard (approximately 91 centimeters) long. The scientific name Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis is derived from Latin, with sesquipedalis meaning "one and a half feet long".

Related terms

  • Legume: A type of plant in the Fabaceae family, which includes beans, peas, and lentils.
  • Chinese long beans: Another name for yardlong beans, referring to their popularity in Chinese cuisine.
  • Snake beans: A name for yardlong beans that refers to their long, slender shape.
  • Asparagus beans: A name for yardlong beans that refers to their similarity in taste and texture to asparagus.

See also

  • Vigna: The genus of plants that includes yardlong beans.
  • Cuisine of Southeast Asia: The culinary traditions of the region where yardlong beans are native.

External links


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