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Warehouse (Medicine)

Warehouse (pronounced: /ˈwɛərhaʊs/) is a term used in the field of medicine to refer to a large building where medical supplies, equipment, and pharmaceuticals are stored before they are distributed to hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies.


The term "warehouse" originates from the Old English words "waru" meaning commodity and "hus" meaning house. In the context of medicine, it refers to a place where medical commodities are stored.

Related Terms

  • Inventory: The total amount of goods and/or materials contained in a store or factory at any given time.
  • Distribution: The process of making a product or service available for use or consumption by a patient or health service provider.
  • Supply Chain: The network created amongst different companies producing, handling and/or distributing a specific product or service.
  • Logistics: The detailed coordination of complex operations involving many people, facilities, or supplies.

Usage in Medicine

In medicine, a warehouse is used to store various types of health-related items. These can range from medical equipment such as MRI machines and X-ray devices, to pharmaceuticals like antibiotics and vaccines, to personal protective equipment (PPE) such as masks and gloves. Warehouses play a crucial role in the healthcare supply chain, ensuring that these items are readily available when needed by healthcare providers.

Warehouses in the medical field are often regulated by health authorities to ensure the proper storage conditions for different types of medical supplies. For instance, certain pharmaceuticals need to be stored at specific temperatures to maintain their efficacy.

See Also

External links


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