Vitreous Hemorrhage

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Vitreous Hemorrhage

Vitreous Hemorrhage (pronunciation: vih-tree-uhs hem-uh-rij) is a medical condition characterized by the presence of blood within the vitreous humor of the eye.


The term "Vitreous Hemorrhage" is derived from the Latin word "vitreus" meaning glassy, and the Greek word "haima" meaning blood.


Vitreous Hemorrhage is a condition where blood leaks into the vitreous humor, the clear, gel-like substance that fills the space between the lens and the retina of the eye. This can cause a range of symptoms, from floaters and blurred vision to complete loss of sight, depending on the severity of the hemorrhage.


The most common causes of Vitreous Hemorrhage include diabetic retinopathy, retinal detachment, and age-related macular degeneration. Other causes can include trauma to the eye, retinal tears, and certain vascular disorders.


Symptoms of Vitreous Hemorrhage can vary depending on the severity of the condition. They may include sudden onset of floaters, blurred or distorted vision, or sudden loss of vision.


Treatment for Vitreous Hemorrhage depends on the underlying cause. It may include observation, laser treatment, or surgery such as vitrectomy.

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