Virtual patient

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Virtual patient

A Virtual patient (pronounced: vir·tu·al pa·tient) is a digital representation of a realistic clinical scenario designed for healthcare education and training. The term is derived from the Latin word virtualis, meaning "virtue" or "potential", and the Greek word patient, meaning "one who suffers".

Virtual patients are used in medical education to simulate real-life clinical scenarios. They are often used in medical simulation training, where healthcare professionals can practice their skills in a safe and controlled environment.


The concept of virtual patients has been around since the advent of computer technology, but it has gained significant popularity in the last few decades with the advancement of virtual reality and artificial intelligence technologies.


Virtual patients are used in a variety of ways in medical education. They can be used to teach clinical reasoning skills, diagnostic skills, and therapeutic management skills. They can also be used to assess the competency of healthcare professionals in a standardized and objective manner.


The use of virtual patients in medical education has several advantages. It allows for the practice of clinical skills without the risk of harm to real patients. It also allows for the repetition of clinical scenarios, which can aid in the learning process. Furthermore, it provides a standardized and objective method of assessment.


Despite the many advantages, there are also some disadvantages to using virtual patients. These include the lack of physical interaction with the patient, the potential for technical difficulties, and the cost of developing and maintaining the virtual patient software.

Related terms

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