Urothelial cancer

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Urothelial cancer
TermUrothelial cancer
Short definitionurothelial cancer - (pronounced) (YOOR-oh-THEE-lee-ul KAN-ser) Cancer that starts in cells called urothelial cells, which line the urethra, bladder, ureters, renal pelvis, and some other organs. Urothelial cells are also called transitional cells. 
TypeCancer terms

urothelial cancer - (pronounced) (YOOR-oh-THEE-lee-ul KAN-ser) Cancer that starts in cells called urothelial cells, which line the urethra, bladder, ureters, renal pelvis, and some other organs. Urothelial cells are also called transitional cells. These cells can change shape and stretch without breaking apart. Also called transitional cell cancer

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