Urine test strip

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Urine Test Strip

A Urine Test Strip (pronounced: yoo-rin test strip) is a diagnostic tool used in the field of medicine to perform various tests on a urine sample.


The term "Urine Test Strip" is derived from the English words "urine", "test", and "strip". "Urine" (from Latin "urina") refers to the liquid by-product of the body secreted by the kidneys. "Test" (from Old French "test") refers to a method of examination or evaluation. "Strip" (from Old English "striep") refers to the thin, flat form of the tool.


Urine Test Strips are used to detect and semi-quantify various compounds present in the urine, such as glucose, protein, ketones, and pH. They are commonly used in clinical laboratories, hospitals, and at home for self-monitoring, especially by people with diabetes or urinary tract infections.


The procedure involves dipping the strip into a urine sample and observing the color change. Each reagent area on the strip changes color depending on the concentration of the specific compound. The results are then compared to a color chart provided by the manufacturer to determine the levels of each compound.

Related Terms

  • Urinalysis: A more comprehensive examination of urine, which may include the use of a urine test strip.
  • Reagent: A substance or compound added to a system to cause a chemical reaction or test if a reaction occurs. In the context of a urine test strip, reagents are impregnated on the strip to react with compounds in the urine.
  • Specific gravity: This is a test that can be performed with a urine test strip. It measures the concentration of all chemical particles in the urine.

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